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Bible Studies

Sunday School

Prospective Members

Men’s Breakfast

Cancer Support

Music Groups

Kids and Youth

Bible Studies

Mondays at 6 PM/Wednesdays at 9 AM:

This growing group offers two different – but mostly identical – sessions.  They read books, watch video series, and read the Bible together, discussing how the Christian faith shapes their lives.  Joyce Richardson leads both sessions.

Thursdays at 9:30 AM:

This group meets to study the Bible and discuss the depth of the Christian faith.  They love to laugh!  The group is led by Sandee Campbell.

Thursdays at 9 AM:

This men’s group meets to read the Bible together and building community.  They meet at 709 Haner Street in Taylorville and are led by Jim Brubaker.

Other various studies are held throughout the year, especially during Lent and Advent.

Sunday School

Sunday school is available for all ages after worship at 10:15.  Please ask an usher for more information.

Interested In Becoming A Member?

While we don’t require that you become a member to worship with us, to receive communion, or to join any of our groups, we do encourage it.  Call our office and ask to speak to a pastor for more information.

Men’s Breakfast

Cancer Support

We love to eat!  We’d love to have any men and boys join us for food, fellowship, and fun every first Sunday at 7:30 AM.

Our cancer support group meets every fourth Tuesday at 6 PM at the church.  If you are someone who is dealing with any form of cancer or if you are in remission, we invite you to join our supportive community.  You don’t need to be a member of our church to participate.

Music Groups


Our choir leads us in worship on Sunday mornings quite often!  We are always looking for new members, regardless of your singing ability or experience.  We’d love to have you!  The choir meets to practice on Wednesday nights at 7 PM.

Praise Band

We are looking to build our praise band!  Call our office or contact one of the pastors if you’re interested.

Kids and Youth

At FUMC, we value:

These values extend to our kids and youth programs, too.  Kids and youth are not the future of the church.  We believe that they are the present of the church, and that God wants to use them now.

Our Middle School youth group meets at 4pm on Sunday afternoons.  We meet for fellowship, devotion, and faith formation.  We also take time to make tie blankets for those who are sick, grieving, or those who have celebrated milestones in life.

We also periodically offer confirmation.  If your Middle or High Schooler has been involved in the church and would like to take the next step toward full membership, please call our office.

J Walkers, a new after school program for kids K-5, will start on Wednesdays in September.